Tuesday, October 06, 2009

autumn in ohio

Yeah so a lot has happened since I got the Eee... I have turned my fiance into a wife on August 22nd, and had a great time in Aruba on our honeymoon. We got some great gifts and it was all a really special experience. The picture is from the back side of Aruba, we were exploring the lava fields.

I am feeling kruddy today, a flu bug or something has wrestled me to the ground. I'm just trying to think happy thoughts and remember how good I felt last week when I was mountain biking! It's funny, I often start feeling blue and melancholy, and then the next day realize "Oh, I'm sick". My humor is usually a good way to tell how healthy I am. Unfortunately I'm usually not self-aware enough to see it coming.

I've been reading some Melodie Beattie again, "Beyond Codependency". The way she communicates really connects with me. I am reading about intimacy. It's funny how in the past I used to think that obsession was the same thing as intimacy. I'm not sure I really know what intimacy is yet, but at least I'm starting to understand what it is not.

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